Monday, August 25, 2014

Computer Tune-Up from Friendly Computers

Everyone has seen the hoarding programs on TV. Did you know that after a relatively short period of time your computer starts looking very similar to the homes with “stuff” piled everywhere? Just as the home filled with useless material is difficult to navigate, your computer loses performance with the accumulated junk. A quick “tune up” can improve performance and help you avoid experiencing problems when you need your computer the most. 

There are several ways your computer accumulates “junk.” Each time a website is visited, images from the site must be downloaded to your computer. The next time the same site is visited, it loads very quickly because all the images downloaded the first time are kept in an area referred to as a “cache”. The cache can become very large after a few months. 

 Another area that causes clutter is programs being installed and removed from your computer. As programs are installed then, at a later time removed, all information used for the installation is not removed from your computer. This is not an accident. The providers of the program hope that ultimately you will realize you need the program and perform installation a second time. When that happens, the provider wants to be sure that you “stick” the second time so they reinstall all the configuration/setting information you used the first time. 

 Having a good anti-virus properly installed, configured and set to run when the computer is powered up is essential. Computers infected by viruses run slower than normal and do not function properly. Tuning up the system, checking for viruses, updating virus software, and setting the software to run regularly will keep your system from causing you problems.

Having a “computer checkup” every 6 months or so is ideal not only to keep it running quickly and smoothly, but to also avoid other costly repairs. Heat is the cause of more computer failures than almost any other issue. The processor or Central Processing Unit (CPU) for your computer is “permanently” connected to the Motherboard. Since the processor produces significant heat, a chunk of metal is mounted on the top of the processor and is equipped with a fan to circulate air and enhance cooling. Even if your home is the most clean home in town, after a few months the “Heat Sink” or chunk of metal becomes almost totally plugged with dust and dirt. This is a result of pulling air into the computer case from the room where it resides to cool it. Inevitably, that air will contain dust particles. To enhance the cooling effect for the processor, Thermal Paste is applied to the processor in the area where it connects to the Heat Sink. This heat conducting material should be removed and reapplied periodically. 

 If you want to enjoy a long and trouble free operation of your computer, either bring it to our location or schedule a call today. The following tasks will be completed: 

• Review logs and ensure that updates and virus protection are functioning 
• Disconnect everything from the computer to allow taking it outside and blowing out dust with canned air 
• Remove processor then remove and reapply thermal paste 
• Scan, clear and defragment registry 
• Empty browser cache 
• Delete temporary files 
• Defrag hard drives 
• Check network connections 
• Check configuration and update schedules for antivirus and spyware protection systems 
• Verify internet security and firewall integrity 
• Evaluate internet connection performance 
• Ensure Wireless Security (if applicable) 
• Perform software updates 
• Evaluate each system’s general performance 
• Perform a quick scan to ensure that infections are not present 
• Look at backup log to confirm that events are occurring as scheduled
• Check backup logs Neglecting the maintenance of a computer is like ignoring maintenance for your vehicle.  
It will operate as expected for a while then numerous problems will seem to have developed at the same time. At Friendly Computers, we try very hard to “live up” to our name and accomplish that objective by “looking out” for our customers. Visit our website to schedule online today or give us a call 281-554-5500…or simply bring your computer to us for a “routine checkup” today. You will be glad you did.

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