Monday, August 12, 2013

A new way of exploring Wikipedia.

Check out the page Here!

When you go to Wikipedia, you’re probably going to do one of two things; fall down a rabbit's hole of trivia and information or edit the crap out of said information. Listen to Wikipedia, on the other hand, offers a completely different —and calming— experience from the bustle of information bits and inappropriately cited information.
Developed by Hatnote, Listen to Wikipedia takes data from Wikipedia's recent changes feed and converts that data to sounds. Bells signal additions, while strings denominate subtractions. The pitch of each note also depending on the size of the edits—the larger the edit, the lower the pitch.
A color-coded visualizer consisting of overlapping multicolored circles shows you which article’s has been changed and the editor's user status: Green circles represent anonymous additions, white is for registered users, and purple indicates a bot is hard at work.
All together, Listen to Wikipeida creates a zen-like experience that’s very different from sound of keyboards clacking beneath the hordes of volunteer information experts. While it’s nice now, we would really like to know what it sounds like during a flurry of activity, where thousands of new changes are all happening at the same time.

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By Friendly Computers Copyright: 2010-01-28

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