Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New video offers a peek at Ubuntu for Android

Ever since Canonical announced Ubuntu for Android back in February, the lack of specific product details seems to have done little to diminish excitement over the forthcoming Linux-based platform. The proposed NexPhone concept helped rekindle that interest earlier this autumn, and on Monday Canonical posted a new video offering more details. “Now multi-core Android phones can be PCs too,” reads the text accompanying the new video on YouTube. “Ubuntu for Android enables high-end Android handsets to run Ubuntu, the world's favorite free PC desktop operating system. So users get the Android they know on the move, but when they connect their phone to a monitor, mouse and keyboard, it becomes a PC.” 'A life less complicated' The animated video, embedded below, doesn't actually add any new information to what we've already heard about Ubuntu for Android, which we've been told will come preloaded on smartphones, and no fresh product details or timetables are included. Nevertheless, “get a phone with Ubuntu for Android,” the narrator urges, “and start living a life less complicated.” That, in turn, makes me wonder if a product announcement is coming soon. 'The desktop is the killer app' For some time already there's been a section on the Ubuntu site dedicated to Ubuntu for Android, of course, and no new specifics seem to have appeared there since the video's release. Still, I can't help but think the timing must be significant in some way, such as to lead the way for concrete product news. After all, Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth did say that “the desktop is the killer app for quad-core phones in 2012” when he announced Ubuntu for Android, and there's not much more left to this year. I've reached out to Canonical for more information, but haven't heard anything back yet. In the meantime, it's a tantalizing prospect. I'll post an update as soon as I learn anything more. Image Hosted by
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