Monday, July 11, 2011

Useful free Windows programs for backing up your files!

As we all know, regular backups are an essential part of computer maintenance. However, backing up the whole system can be time consuming and usually does not get done often enough to keep up with the day-to-day changes in personal files. Many PC users do their backups once a week or even less often and run the risk of losing everything done in between. What is needed is a way to do quick backups of recently changed files on a more frequent schedule.

My own backup routine includes very frequent backups of the personal folders where I keep current work and less frequent but regular whole system backups. For the latter, I use imaging software, such as the one native to Windows 7. In this tip, I will mention several good free applications from Microsoft that provide easy backup of individual folders. These file backups can be done to USB keys or other removable media. The backups can be set to include only files that have changed and can be quite fast.

Read more over @ Gizmo's Freeware...

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By Friendly Computers
Copyright: 2010-01-28

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By Friendly Computers
Copyright: 2010-01-28

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