Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Protect Your Kids Online

Parents need to protect their kids from all sorts of technological dangers. There are pornographic web sites, scams, hate groups, violent video games, and online predators pretending to be age-appropriate harmless flirts.

And even if your kids visit only safe sites, you still have to worry about all the time they waste on their computers. Every hour they spend starring at a glowing screen is an hour not spent getting exercise, playing out-of-doors, sleeping, or interacting with people in the real world.

Your approach to monitoring your children's cyberlives is as important as the software you use. You want to protect them and impart values, not explain to them after the fact that you've been invading their privacy. Discuss the issues with them, let them know that their surfing and other PC use will be monitored, but that you expect them to make wise choices. They'll gripe and complain, of course, but it will be easier and more productive in the long run.

Read more about how to protect your kids online over @ PCWorld.

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