Monday, April 12, 2010

How to Analyze, Clean Out, and Free Space on Your Hard Drive

Hard drive space is cheaper than ever, but as Parkinson's Law dictates, your data (and, let's face it, BitTorrent addiction) somehow expands to fill your space available for storage. Here's a few simple but effective ways to clean out your hard drive.

Whether you're looking to free up gigabytes worth of hard drive space or you just want to clear out the extra cruft because you're serious about a clean hard drive, we'll highlight how to find and remove the biggest space hogging files on your drive, remove unnecessary files hiding deep in your filesystem, and offer a few tips for keeping things clean. The main focus of this guide is on Windows, but I'll offer up Mac alternatives where available. (Mac users, you may also want to check out our previous guide to cleaning up and reviving your bloated, sluggish Mac.)

Read full article here

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