Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bit Defender Causes Problems with 64bit Windows

A buggy update to BitDefender security software for 64-bit Windows systems went horribly awry Friday morning, 3/20. Numerous Windows and BitDefender program files are detected as "Trojan.FakeAlert.5" and quarantined. After this happens Windows and many programs don't work and the system may not even boot.

Update: BitDefender tells us "only a few hundred" customers were hit really hard and they're working with them. They expect to have all their customers back on their feet by tomorrow. They ask customers to continue to monitor the support articles linked to in this entry as they are being updated with new solutions as they develop. Incidentally, the one user who reported severe problems to us is back up and running with the help of BitDefender support and speaks highly of them.

Read the full article here

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