Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Mac Malware Poses as PDF Doc

Security firms Friday warned Mac users of a new Trojan horse that masquerades as a PDF document.

The malware, which was spotted by U.K.-based Sophos and Finnish antivirus vendor F-Secure, uses a technique long practiced by Windows attackers.

"This malware may be attempting to copy the technique implemented by Windows malware, which opens a PDF file containing a '.pdf.exe' extension and an accompanying PDF icon," said F-Secure today.

That practice relies on what is called the "double extension" trick: adding the characters ".pdf" to the filename to disguise an executable file.

Read the full article from here

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Copyright: 2010-01-28

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Windows 8 Has A Friendlier Blue Screen Of Death!

While Windows 8 was widely expected to have a black screen of death, the developer build released yesterday has revealed that Redmond has opted to stick with the historic blue. It does, however, come with a peculiar twist. Rather than inundate people (who hopefully remembered to save their work) with a breakdown of why their computer stopped working, it seems Microsoft has chosen to take things in a more compassionate direction.

Read more over @ TechCrunch...

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Metro-style Internet Explorer 10 ditches Flash, plugins

Windows 8 will have two versions of Internet Explorer 10: a conventional browser that lives on the legacy desktop, and a new Metro-style, touch-friendly browser that lives in the Metro world. The second of these, the Metro browser, will not support any plugins. Whether Flash, Silverlight, or some custom business app, sites that need plugins will only be accessible in the non-touch, desktop-based browser.

Should one ever come across a page that needs a plugin, the Metro browser has a button to go to that page within the desktop browser. This yanks you out of the Metro experience and places you on the traditional desktop.

Read more over @ ArsTechnica...

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Copyright: 2010-01-28

Monday, September 12, 2011

Microsoft to give out Windows 8 build 8100 at BUILD conference

It's not like it's not completely obvious, but we've received confirmation that Microsoft is planning on giving out a developer preview to attendees at BUILD this week, and the lucky build number? 8100.

If you're looking for some sort of confirmation on this, a tweet in Russian on September 12 reads;

They say two or three days, Microsoft will give all Windows 8 8100, the so-called Developer preview
We've also heard from independent sources that the build will be a 81xx build, rather than 8100 exactly. Only one question remains, will Microsoft make Windows 8 available just to delegates of the conference, or will it be available online? Previously, at Microsoft's PDC conference in 2009, the company gave out copies to delegates but the general public couldn't get their hands on the bits until the OS hit beta. The build given out at the developer conference is not beta.

Read more over @ NeoWin...

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Copyright: 2010-01-28

Give us a call today: 281-554-5500 or visit Friendly Computers to schedule an appointment.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Note With Stylus In Action

We just got a first look at a new Android tablet-smartphone hybrid from Samsung to be debuted today on the IFA. Here in pics and video your first look. The new device the Samsung Galaxy Note with feature a 5.3 Super AMOLED display, Dual core 1.5 process, an 8 MP camera and... get this... a stylus! We got exclusive access and our proud to be the first to get to play with the Samsung Note BEFORE the official press conference today. Enjoy!

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