Friday, September 10, 2010

"Here You Have" Virus hits US and Canada Companies Hard

The email — which also sometimes uses the subject line “Just For you” — contains a link to what appears to be a downloadable PDF document but is actually an executable (.exe) file in disguise.

If the link is clicked, the user is prompted to download the file, which installs malicious software onto the host computer.

After infecting the computer, the virus will try to spread the email to every address in the user’s contact list, while also attempting to disable the computer’s security systems. The virus then attempts to install password-stealing programs, according to McAfee’s Threat Centre.

On Thursday, “here you have virus email” was the second most-searched topic on Google, behind Marvin Sapp, a gospel singer who lost his wife to cancer.

Read more over @ The Star..."Here You Have" Virus hits US and Canada Companies Hard...

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Best Android Apps for Your Car

Having an Android along for your daily commute or occasional car trips can make the ride a lot easier, safer, and simply more fun. Here are our favorite Android apps to have on hand when it's time to hit the road.

Check out the best apps the Android platform has to offer that will make your driving experience much easier over @ LifeHacker...The Best Android Apps for Your Car