Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Free Calls On Gmail – Watch out Skype!

In case you missed all the hype; this week Google dropped a bombshell when it announced a new “call” feature on Gmail. Gmail users can now call phones around the world at low rates, For those making calls to the USA, it will be completely free. Indeed the guys at Skype wont have taken this news lightly:

Calls to the U.S. and Canada will be free for at least the rest of the year and calls to other countries will be billed at our very low rates. We worked hard to make these rates really cheap (seecomparison table) with calls to the U.K., France, Germany, China, Japan—and many more countries—for as little as $0.02 per minute.

Read more about it over @ Chrome OS Site...Free Calls on Gmail @ Chrome OS Site

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to Get the Best Color Out of Your Photos

Black and white has long been the default "artistic" style for photographs, so it can be easy to forget how compelling a color photograph can be. Here's an in-depth guide to help you get amazing color in your photos.

An Introduction to Color
We could talk for hours about the science of color and how it works, but that's only going to go so far in helping you with your photos, so we'll save it for another time. Instead, let's just have a quick chat about the color wheel and what we can do with it.

Read more about it over @ Lifehacker.com...How to Get the Best Color Out of Your Photos

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Malware implicated in fatal Spanair plane crash

Authorities investigating the 2008 crash of Spanair flight 5022 have discovered a central computer system used to monitor technical problems in the aircraft was infected with malware.

An internal report issued by the airline revealed the infected computer failed to detect three technical problems with the aircraft, which if detected, may have prevented the plane from taking off, according to reports in the Spanish newspaper, El Pais.

Flight 5022 crashed just after takeoff from Madrid-Barajas International Airport two years ago today, killing 154 and leaving only 18 survivors.

Read more about it over @ MSNBC...Malware implicated in fatal plane crash

Friday, August 20, 2010

Apple to use heartbeat/behavior/voice to detect unauthorized iPhone use?

Apple new patent application describes methods that may enable the iPhone and iPad to "sense" the user, detecting voice prints, faces, activity patterns and even heartbeats. If unauthorized use is detected, many security measures could be activated.

If the iOS device detects that the user is not authorized, it can start taking photos and sending them to an email account, along with GPS coordinates, keystroke logs, phone calls, and other activity. The owner would also be able to save any data remotely, and wipe out the device after that.

Read more over @ Gizmodo: Apple to use biometric techniques to detect unauthorized iPhone usage.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Intel Acquires McAfee For $7.68 Billion

Intel has agreed to acquire McAfee Inc. for approximately $7.68 billion ($48 per share in cash), the company announced today. The boards of directors of both companies have approved the deal, which is expected to close following shareholder approval and regulatory clearances.

It’s a huge deal for Intel, primarily a hardware company, to acquire a security-oriented software company, especially one as big as McAfee. However, Intel believes that security has become an integral part of computing, which makes it their business, too.

Read more about it over at Mashable...Intel Acquires McAfee for $7.68 billion!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Leaked Screens of Chrome OS Tablet reveal soon release

An unnamed source has confirmed to Download Squad that Google is indeed working on a Chrome OS tablet. According to the leak, Google has been working alongside HTC to produce the device for the last few months. This comes at no surprise as Google has previously worked closely with HTC on it’s Nexus One phone.

Read more over at the original article @ ChromeOS Site Chrome OS Tablet to hit stores in November

Friday, August 13, 2010

Upload Documents to Google Docs With One Click

Google Docs is a great solution for saving and sharing documents online, but browsing to the site every time is time consuming. Here we look at a Desktop Gadget that lets you upload files with a simple drag & drop.

Click Upload Documents to Google Docs with even more information and the how-to for application regarding this sweet gadget.